salam all....
wah....agak x best laa starting cuti sem aku neh....nothing interesting to do....nak hangout ngan kawan2,ade jep halangan2 nye....takde rezeki kot nak lepak ngan akak senior aku....dah laa ni last sem dye...risau laa takot2 x dapat jumpe dye lagi pasni....kak ina,ku sayang kamoo walopon kadang2 kamooo agak sengal...hahahaha....
hurm....dok saje2 neh membuatkan aku tringat lak kat crite2 lame zaman mude2 dulu...hahahahhaahh.....bile aku tringat cter lame neh laa buat aku jadik touching sorang2...huhuhuhu...sdey gler....
tringat kisah chenta munyit dulu...walopon just chenta munyit,tapi still tinggalkan kesan yang mendalam aaa pade hidup aku sampai skarang neh....that's why jangan main2 dengan hati and perasaan orang...dont even try and dont even think about doing it to anyone...if it happens to you,we'll just need to accept it laa kan,what to do,it's fated to happen to us...but dont do it to others...the pain can slowly recover but the scar never fades...and that's what happened to me...
i still remember,the day that i met my best friend,Z,and he asked me...have i found someone(bf)? and i said i had no body till now...and he told me,never love someone with all your heart,or i'll turned out to be someone that i am right now...but what to do,benda dah berlaku..tapi walaupun dah nak masuk 4 tahun perkare nih dah berlalu,sakit dye tuh kadang2 datang sendiri..even bile kite tringat name dye saje pon...
just yesterday,aku chat ngan dye...and i could see that he's living over there with his wife happily...and with a baby gurl coming soon this early january,in winter,his family would be even more happier...he even told me that he couldn't wait for the day that little baby gurl to come around....he sounds really happy...
when he said that,bergenang gak air mate nih...dye dah bahagie skarang...aku doakan kebahagiaan family dye sampai bile2....tapi honestly,i felt sad coz i can;t be happy with him...he's not meant for me..."lelaki yang baik untuk perempuan yang baik"...maybe aku tak cukup baik untuk dye...i know he's a good guy...and i know that i am not that good for i just got to live my life without him laa..just like what i am doing right now....
life's pretty hard for me...i don;t know whether it's just me or life does get pretty hard when it comes to me...i promised myself to not to let anyone hurts me like he does...but then again,it always happens again and again...
hurm...entah laa...aku dah tak tahu ape nak buat....ape yang aku mampu buat skarang cume tabahkan hati,trime je ape yang mendatang...walaupun hati ni bengkak,berdarah,bernanah skalipun,aku hanye mampu truskan hidup...biar lah yang dah berlaku tu lepas dan hilang ditelan masa,aku seboleh2 nye taknak ingat lagi dah...mengingat cerite yang menyakitkan hati tu hanye buat aku jadik manusie yang tak boleh terime kenyataan hidup...
"STOP THINKING BOUT YOU AIN'T GOT AND START BEING THANKFUL FOR WHAT YOU DO GOT..." tu yang akan aku vuba lakukan in order to live my matter what happens,i'm just living my life...
Friday, November 13, 2009
bRoKeN hEaRtEd...UnTiL WhEn???
salam semue...sorry sebab agak lame tak update blog nih...sibuk sikit ngan final exam nyer and sibuk punggah barang nak bawak balik rumah...dah the end of my semester...malas lak nak tinggal barang kat stor kolej,nnti kene curi lak...
hurm....malam ni aku wase cam agak sedeh and gembire jugak dalam mase yang same...sedih sebab aku teringat sesuatu yang pernah buat aku bahagie and gembira sangat suatu ketika dulu and gembira jugak sebab dye bakal dapat baby gurl awal january neh...a baby gurl in,isn't it??
entah laa kenape,bile dye sampaikan berite gembire dye tu kat aku,aku wase cam tros sebak je...maybe coz aku tringat old memories nagn dye kot..eventhough it's just for a short while,i'll never forget it for my whole life...thanks to him, i know what it feels like to be in love for the first time...eventhough it's just a game that he played,i still want to thank him...for all the things that he's willing to share with me...
hopefully he'll be a great dad anda great husband for his family...he even taking care of his wife after giving birth with no help from their parents...i dont know how to say this,but by the way that he' s talking,i know that he's really ecxited about being a dad...
i hope he'll always be happy and hopefully someday i might even get a chance to see him one day with his family....
a heart that've been broken wasn't that easy to be mended by tears...sometimes tears could wash away the pain but it cant make the scar fade away...kesakitan boleh diatasi,tapi luka agak payah untuk diubati...
hurm....malam ni aku wase cam agak sedeh and gembire jugak dalam mase yang same...sedih sebab aku teringat sesuatu yang pernah buat aku bahagie and gembira sangat suatu ketika dulu and gembira jugak sebab dye bakal dapat baby gurl awal january neh...a baby gurl in,isn't it??
entah laa kenape,bile dye sampaikan berite gembire dye tu kat aku,aku wase cam tros sebak je...maybe coz aku tringat old memories nagn dye kot..eventhough it's just for a short while,i'll never forget it for my whole life...thanks to him, i know what it feels like to be in love for the first time...eventhough it's just a game that he played,i still want to thank him...for all the things that he's willing to share with me...
hopefully he'll be a great dad anda great husband for his family...he even taking care of his wife after giving birth with no help from their parents...i dont know how to say this,but by the way that he' s talking,i know that he's really ecxited about being a dad...
i hope he'll always be happy and hopefully someday i might even get a chance to see him one day with his family....
a heart that've been broken wasn't that easy to be mended by tears...sometimes tears could wash away the pain but it cant make the scar fade away...kesakitan boleh diatasi,tapi luka agak payah untuk diubati...
Monday, November 9, 2009
mY b'DaY cElEbRaTiOn
salam all...
wah3....rilek sikit malam neh coz esok xde paper...
hehehehe...senang sket wase otak neh...
dapat ler rest satu malam...
hurm..ok,nih aku nk cite pasal bday celebration aku smalam yg bertarikh 8/11/2009,hari ahad...
cam agk terharu gak laa aku coz bday aku punye celebration ari tuh
celebration dye agak marvellous laa...
memang gempak wa cakap lu.....
thanks to my family yg sememangnye marvellous,lovely,and supporting soo much...
you guys rawks soo much...
i love you guys so much!!!
agak banyak gak aa presents yang aku dapat...
thanks to abah yg blikan ku handbag yg agk stylo!!
abah memang memahami ku sangat2 aa...
umi lak bagi ku perfume yg sememangnye ku suke bau dye...
thanks yep umi kuh sayang!!!!!
kepade JAJA and NANA,thanks for your presents...
croc purple and selendang stylo.korang memang ku sayang sangat2 laa....
and thanks jugak kepade cousin2 and ank2 sedare yg bg presents untok mak ngah kaw nih...
to mama,thanks for the beautiful bracelet...
sayang kamu sangat2!!!
to mummny,makcik,nisah,and semue yg senantiase memberi support dalam menjayekan birthday celebration seramai 6 orang ni,kamu semua memang rock selalu!!!
kamu semue memang sporting bangat!!!
and to my brother,cik yang agak poyo..thanks for the fruit salad yang agak marvellous and spaghetti yg memang jadik faveret ku dulu kini dan selamenye...trime kaseh laa banyak2!!!
and lastly kepade kawan-kawan yang datang ke birthday celebration tuh,thanks coz susah2 jep datang....
ku hargai sangat2 kehadiran kamu....
em...ku sangat2 terharu dengan celebration yang korang semue sediakan untok kami berenam yg celebrate birthday skali ni....
and kepade abah,abg zaki and anaknye,hadif,nurul anak mak long ,and aliff..happy birthday jugek kepade kamu semua...
semoge panjang umo and murah rezeki slalu,semoge diberkati ALLAH di dunia dan akhirat...kepade anak sedare ku hadif,mak ngah wish kat kamu happy birthday yg ke5 and semoge cepat laa besar...hehehhe..chumel betol kamu yg agk rendang tuh...hahahahh!!!!
kepade wan,harith,kak anom,warge2 family dari rompin yg datang jaoh,kehadiran korang semua amat laa ku hargai....datang dari jaoh,bawak present lagi...trime kaseh banyak2...
kepade anak2 sedare yg datang wat kecoh and wat havoc kat party ari tu,hana,akma and mukhriz yg slalu ade depan mate,ikram,iqlil,najlah yg chumel,haras and adiknye yg terbaru,trime kasih banyak2...mak ngah sayang sangat korang semue.....MMMUUUAAHHx100!!!!
kepade nisah yg x dapat datang ke party ari tuh atas sebab kerja overtime yg tak dapat dielakkan,thanks coz bagi gak hadiah...kaler merah lak tu..memang manthop laa...hahahahah!!!
em..k la ek...da malam da ni..kol due pagi lebih doh ni...time untok tido..ngeh5=)
ok laa ye..nnti ku post gambo2 bday tuh nnti ek....tpi bile ade mase jep laa....
hehehhehe...k all..nite!
wish me all the best for my final paper the day after tomorrow and may ALLAH bless us all with strong relationship today till the end....
ukhuwwah fillah abadan abada....
bittaufiq wannajah fi dunya wal aakhirah...
wah3....rilek sikit malam neh coz esok xde paper...
hehehehe...senang sket wase otak neh...
dapat ler rest satu malam...
hurm..ok,nih aku nk cite pasal bday celebration aku smalam yg bertarikh 8/11/2009,hari ahad...
cam agk terharu gak laa aku coz bday aku punye celebration ari tuh
celebration dye agak marvellous laa...
memang gempak wa cakap lu.....
thanks to my family yg sememangnye marvellous,lovely,and supporting soo much...
you guys rawks soo much...
i love you guys so much!!!
agak banyak gak aa presents yang aku dapat...
thanks to abah yg blikan ku handbag yg agk stylo!!
abah memang memahami ku sangat2 aa...
umi lak bagi ku perfume yg sememangnye ku suke bau dye...
thanks yep umi kuh sayang!!!!!
kepade JAJA and NANA,thanks for your presents...
croc purple and selendang stylo.korang memang ku sayang sangat2 laa....
and thanks jugak kepade cousin2 and ank2 sedare yg bg presents untok mak ngah kaw nih...
to mama,thanks for the beautiful bracelet...
sayang kamu sangat2!!!
to mummny,makcik,nisah,and semue yg senantiase memberi support dalam menjayekan birthday celebration seramai 6 orang ni,kamu semua memang rock selalu!!!
kamu semue memang sporting bangat!!!
and to my brother,cik yang agak poyo..thanks for the fruit salad yang agak marvellous and spaghetti yg memang jadik faveret ku dulu kini dan selamenye...trime kaseh laa banyak2!!!
and lastly kepade kawan-kawan yang datang ke birthday celebration tuh,thanks coz susah2 jep datang....
ku hargai sangat2 kehadiran kamu....
em...ku sangat2 terharu dengan celebration yang korang semue sediakan untok kami berenam yg celebrate birthday skali ni....
and kepade abah,abg zaki and anaknye,hadif,nurul anak mak long ,and aliff..happy birthday jugek kepade kamu semua...
semoge panjang umo and murah rezeki slalu,semoge diberkati ALLAH di dunia dan akhirat...kepade anak sedare ku hadif,mak ngah wish kat kamu happy birthday yg ke5 and semoge cepat laa besar...hehehhe..chumel betol kamu yg agk rendang tuh...hahahahh!!!!
kepade wan,harith,kak anom,warge2 family dari rompin yg datang jaoh,kehadiran korang semua amat laa ku hargai....datang dari jaoh,bawak present lagi...trime kaseh banyak2...
kepade anak2 sedare yg datang wat kecoh and wat havoc kat party ari tu,hana,akma and mukhriz yg slalu ade depan mate,ikram,iqlil,najlah yg chumel,haras and adiknye yg terbaru,trime kasih banyak2...mak ngah sayang sangat korang semue.....MMMUUUAAHHx100!!!!
kepade nisah yg x dapat datang ke party ari tuh atas sebab kerja overtime yg tak dapat dielakkan,thanks coz bagi gak hadiah...kaler merah lak tu..memang manthop laa...hahahahah!!!
em..k la ek...da malam da ni..kol due pagi lebih doh ni...time untok tido..ngeh5=)
ok laa ye..nnti ku post gambo2 bday tuh nnti ek....tpi bile ade mase jep laa....
hehehhehe...k all..nite!
wish me all the best for my final paper the day after tomorrow and may ALLAH bless us all with strong relationship today till the end....
ukhuwwah fillah abadan abada....
bittaufiq wannajah fi dunya wal aakhirah...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
moving on...
salam all....
tomorrow's my brithday...
my 19th birthday...
maybe for some people,they couldn't even sleep at night
they're so excited to wait for tomorrow to come...
but for me,birthday or no birthday celebration,
it's all the same...
i ain't goin' no where
i'm still standing here
keep on promising myself to be better and better each day...
and hoping that i could make my promise to myself would come true someday
life's suck for some reasons....
and life can be hell lot better for some reasons too...
i wish that the fun part of my life would be much more than the bitter part...
but in the real world,
life isn't like what we always wanted...
i can take that and to prove that i do,
i am still standing and breathing till this second...
tomorrow's my brithday...
my 19th birthday...
maybe for some people,they couldn't even sleep at night
they're so excited to wait for tomorrow to come...
but for me,birthday or no birthday celebration,
it's all the same...
i ain't goin' no where
i'm still standing here
keep on promising myself to be better and better each day...
and hoping that i could make my promise to myself would come true someday
life's suck for some reasons....
and life can be hell lot better for some reasons too...
i wish that the fun part of my life would be much more than the bitter part...
but in the real world,
life isn't like what we always wanted...
i can take that and to prove that i do,
i am still standing and breathing till this second...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
salam all...
sorry coz da lame x update blog ku yang terchenta neh...
been veru busy rite now....
sedang berjuang menghadapi final exam dalam keadaan sakit...
dugaan betul....
hope segala usaha sepanjang semester ni berbaloi...
may ALLAH provide me with hidayah and His lead towards a better life and future...
agak tensen dan tertekan jugak sebenarnye tengah final exam neh...
tinggal 3 paper je lagi....
x lame lagik habes exam neh,
hah..amik nak kau...
ku nikmati setiap saat yang terindah semasa cuti semester nih
walaupun just a few weeks jep,
akan ku jadikan ia mase yang terhebat...
(apesal lak cam sengal jep ayat ku nih??)
(ooo...aku nga bermonolog ngan diriku sendiri neh....)
sengal gler ku nih...
ok laa yer...
nak pi bli brunch neh....
lapau seyh.....
k la ek my dearest fwens....
see you all later....
till then,
wish me all the best for my exams ya???!!!
sorry coz da lame x update blog ku yang terchenta neh...
been veru busy rite now....
sedang berjuang menghadapi final exam dalam keadaan sakit...
dugaan betul....
hope segala usaha sepanjang semester ni berbaloi...
may ALLAH provide me with hidayah and His lead towards a better life and future...
agak tensen dan tertekan jugak sebenarnye tengah final exam neh...
tinggal 3 paper je lagi....
x lame lagik habes exam neh,
hah..amik nak kau...
ku nikmati setiap saat yang terindah semasa cuti semester nih
walaupun just a few weeks jep,
akan ku jadikan ia mase yang terhebat...
(apesal lak cam sengal jep ayat ku nih??)
(ooo...aku nga bermonolog ngan diriku sendiri neh....)
sengal gler ku nih...
ok laa yer...
nak pi bli brunch neh....
lapau seyh.....
k la ek my dearest fwens....
see you all later....
till then,
wish me all the best for my exams ya???!!!
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