hi peeps =) wink3****
another day,another song =P
and today,on this rainy day that is perfectly suits my mood, unpleasantly irritated and sad, i felt like sharing this one song that i really like... i once heard this song on youtube, my "jari jemari " suddenly click on this song, and it played. and i fell in love with it, coz in a way, it feels like i had a strong connection with the song and the singer was just like singing what i want to say from my heart to that person.
hihihi....merapu lagi.... =P
some of my besties said, " dah la afi, aku tak rase yang dye betul2 hargai kau as someone yang worth more than anything.. yang selalu ada disisi dia bila dye susah senang... dye tak hargai kau, and dye tak pernah nampak semua tu.. dah la afi, jangan nangis lagi... ". well, it's not that aku terlalu suka membuang air mata, it's just that pada aku, he's someone that i really don't want to lose and afraid if he's not there. ok,put aside personal feelings, i need him as a friend, just like we used to. i need that back. i can't afford to lose a friend like him. biarlah ape orang nak cakap, ape dye nak cakap.... jauh dalam lubuk hati aku yang terdalam,dia selalu ada... kalau pun dalam dunia reality ni dye tak ade, it's ok. at least i have the old sweet memories... but i really hoped that things could turn out to be okay again... i really miss my best friend...
ok,back to the song! hihihih =P
meluah perasaan pulak kat sini...OMG!
this song that i really love was from geisha, " Jika Cinta Dia ".
here's the link to the video on youtube :
if any of you heard the song, it may, in a way or two, makes me look or sounded like a pathetic, can't stand alone, stupid looking girl. say anything that you want. but the truth is, i can't afford to lose a friend so dear to me. he's some where far away, and now the condition is not that good between us... that really feels awkward. and i just can't stop saying, i miss you dear friend. how i really wished that things between us would be okay again. i miss the old us.
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