Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Odd Life of Timothy Green

Salam :)

hi all! ok.hari ni rase excited sangat nak buat movie review,and the movie that was chosen is.... (tengok atas)..aaaa!!!

sebenarnya,dapat tahu cerita ni pun sebab selalu sangat tengok iklan dia kat astro.then bila dah tengok,tertarik pulak nak,nak dijadikan cerita,i bought this movie kat astro best for RM10 for 3 hari :) 

back to the movie review.main lead dalam cerita ni is Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton sebagai Cindy dan Jim Green.Timothy Green dilakonkan oleh CJ Adams. 


mesti korang tertanya-tanya kan? cerita apa sebenarnye ni? ape yang best sangat? meh nak bagitau :) The Odd life of Timothy Green bermula dengan kisah Jim dan Cindy,sepasang suami isteri yang terlalu inginkan seorang cahaya mata dalam rumah tangga mereka. too heart broken when a fertility doctor beritahu yang Cindy tak mampu mengandung, they both sit down and tulis semua ciri2 anak yang mereka inginkan,put it in a box, dan tanam di laman rumah mereka. during a freak strom in the middle of the night, mereka terbangun dari tidur dan bermululah detik pertemuan mereka dengan seorang budak lelaki bernama Timothy. hidup Cindy dan Jim seolah berseri2 dengan kehadiran Timothy,but little did they know that their happiness won't last forever...

kalau nak tahu the whole story,kene tengok la cerita ni.hahaha. tak thrill la kalau dah leak kat sini,kan? seriously, movie ni memang berkualiti,sangat2 banyak perkara baik yang boleh kita ambil dan jadikan pengajaran dalam hidup.


i like this section! personally,this is a good family movie.there's so many good things yang kita boleh belajar dari movie ni, such as :

1- sometimes apa yang kita nak,belum tentu kita akan dapat.x kira macam mana kita usaha.jangan mudah putus asa.

2- belajar dari kesilapan.kita tak sempurna.tak siapa pun yang sempurna.kadang2 kesilapan tu perlu untuk buat kita jadi lebih baik pada masa akan datang.


4- sometimes it's good to be different than others.don't be afraid if you're should be proud of it coz you had that in you that nobody else has.

ok. rasenye cukup dulu sampai kat situ. kalau banyak sangat karang,mesti malas nak baca,kan? :) alright.i know.i know.

you really should watch this seriously.and you'll see why i am so jadi tak reti macam mana  nak define cerita yang sangat2 bagus ni supaya korang betul2 tengok cerita ni.

i hope my stupid little movie review will help you,someway somehow in anyway it can be good,or bad.haha :) i don't care :)

it's already late.toodles love :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

been there,done that.

1- pernah tak rasa kecewa sebab putus cinta,then menangis sampai dah x boleh nak menangis lagi?

2 - pernah tak rasa kecewa dengan diri sendiri sampai rasa x layak langsung untuk hidup?

3 - pernah tak rasa macam diri tu tak layak untuk sesiapa?

4 - pernah tak rasa terlalu banyak kekurangan sampai tak sanggup nak berhadapan dengan masyarakat,tak sanggup nak jadi dewasa dan hadapi dunia?

5 - pernah tak rasa nak pukul lelaki yang kecewakan kita hanya sebab dia sendiri tak yakin dan tak dapat nak tentukan pun masa depan dia?

6 - pernah rasa diri tu x guna sangat2?

7 - pernah tak rasa nak give up je dengan semua dalam hidup?

8 - pernah tak rasa macam tak ade perasaan ape2 langsung,sampai bila sakit hati pun tak boleh nak keluar air mata?

9 - pernah tak rasa menyesal dengan tindakan yang lepas and rasa macam nak menyumpah kat orang yang tak sepatutnya dapat perhatian and kasih sayang kita?

10 - pernah tak rasa macam apa yang aku rasa?

Monday, December 17, 2012

dah tiba masa untuk berputus asa :)


hi all.yeah,it's been a while,i know.i'm sorry :) x berapa sihat sangat skang ni,tapi still ada something yang berputar dalam kepala ni,so i need to write it up.kalau tak nanti,makin banyak fikir,makin serabut jadinye :)

what's on my mind? itu pun tanda tanya sebenarnye,sebab perkara yang sama jugak asyik berlegar-legar dalam ruang minda ni. sebenarnya dah sampai muak dan penat sebab asyik fikirkan perkara yang sama.apa dia? haha.itulah.i've been thinking to let go of someone. this someone ni sebenarnya dah lama dah ditunggu hadirnya dia ni dalam hidup.dia memang betul pun hadir dalam my life, tapi x sepenuhnya.and since dah tinggal jauh,dah jarang berhubung,it makes thing get much worst. some people said  "distance brings people much closer, " saya akan menidakkan statement itu because of my situation :)

why am i letting go of the one people i've held on for so long? sebab semakin lama tunggu,semakin lama bertahan,macam semakin tak nampak apa yang perlu ditunggu,nak berpaut pada apa pun tak tahu.memories? yes,we had so much memories together.tapi kenangan tu,walaupun yang manis,kalau pun saya yang selalu ingat,dia?belum tentu. i've been thinking of letting go of this dah lama dah sebenarnya.for almost a year dah actually,been thinking about this,back and forth,patut ke tak berputus harap dengan semua ni.tiap kali nak putus harapan dengan dia, dia datang balik,like giving false hope,and like being there for me.tapi semua tu sekejap je.and then he's nowhere to be found.

i'm getting tired of waiting for something yang macam tak berpenghujung macam looks like a relationship but it's not a looks like we care for each other,but most of the time,it's not.entah lah.he's there but in reality,he's not there.

if you were to be in my shoes,what would you do? i'm getting sick,and so damn tired of all this  waiting actually.for in the end,i didn't even know he'll be there or not with me,till the end. no more thinking.i'm gonna stop.

there's this quote that i found in a drama.

"it hurts when i see him.
but it hurts when i don't see him.
it hurts when he smiles at me.
but it hurts when he smiles at others.
it hurts when he's not there.
but it hurts when he's there in front of me."

(cinderella stepsister-goo eunjo) hurts everytime.but it needs to stop.if it means i need to hurt myself by not seeing him,ot by not having with me by my side,or seeing him smiling at other's okay.i'll be long as time will help me forget him.i want to forget him.i will forget him.time will heal everything right? i've been through this before with my first love,i can do it again.

i'm sorry that this entry was entirely in english,but i really am not good in expressing my feelings in makes me sounds like cheap,and like the evening soap drama.blergh.this will do.

to anyone yang baca entri ni,kalau awak dah terlalu lama bertahan,berharap,dan awak bersendirian,lebih baik lepaskan saje daripada tunggu sesuatu yang belum tentu akan jadi milik awak."macam pungguk rindukan bulan," orang tua2 kita cakap.hahaha.entah lah.tak tahu nak guna peribahasa apa.but you know what i mean right?

alright.enuff of this.i'm gonna live my life.i'm gonna put a smile on my face everyday and go on like nothing ever happened.eventhough it hurts inside,nobody really need to know right?

cheer up love :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012



ever wonder about what he's doing?
how it all turned to lies
sometimes i think that it's better to never ask why

where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame
where there is a flame,someone;s bound to get burned
but just because it burns,doesn't mean you're gonna die
you gotta get up and try,try,try
gotta get up and try,try,try
you gotta get up and try,try,try

funny how the heart can be deceiving
more than just a couple times
why do we fall in love so easy
even when it's not right

where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame
where there is a flame,someone;s bound to get burned
but just because it burns,doesn't mean you're gonna die
you gotta get up and try,try,try
gotta get up and try,try,try
you gotta get up and try,try,try

ever worried that it might be ruined?
and does it make you wanna cry?
when you''re out there doing what you doing
are you just getting by?
tell me are you just getting by by by

where there is desire,there is gonna be a flame
where there is a flame,someone;s bound to get burned
but just because it burns,doesn't mean you're gonna die
you gotta get up and try,try,try
gotta get up and try,try,try
gotta get up and try,try,try
you gotta get up and try,try,try
gotta get up and try,try,try
you gotta get up and try,try,try
gotta get up and try,try,try

Friday, December 7, 2012

payah jugak macam ni.... kan?


assalamualaikum wbt...

bersawang,berhabuk,berdebu,ber ape lagi... aaa...punye la nak bagitau yang dah lame gila x usik blog ni.kekadang tu dah tergerak hati nak update,nak cerita macam2,tapi bila fikir balik,ah.nanti lah.

jahat betei perangai.

ekceli,menulis kali ni pun sebab it feels like tak ade sesiapa yang nak dikongsikan ape yang dok bermain dalam kepala hotak ni,simpan sendiri je ape yang hati ni rase. so bila fikir balik,ape guna ade blog,yedak? baik lah menulis kat sini,untong2 kalo ade sesape yang bace, yang rajin nak tulis komen,nak bagi nasihat ke pe ape,bleh gak bace.maklom la,blog byase2 gini je,ramai mane sangat la follower nye kan?

ok lah.straight to the point.ape yang payah nye? ni la nak bitau.ermm.. ekceli,payah  yang dimaksudkan ni adelah payah dalam soal hati. why? sebab kisah hati seorang saya ni amat rumit. why? sebab hati saya yang agak banyak kali jugak berderai ni selalu sangat jatuh (a.k.a fall in love gitteww) pade lelaki yang rumit. 

i am the type of girl yang bila dah suka dekat someone tu, akan dengan yang sorang tu je lah. and i will not go and say "HI!" to any person or guy yang kelihatan menarik pada pandangan saya semata2 sebab saya suka dia.i'm the passive type when it comes to love.orang sekarang ni cakap,kalau kite tak make the first move,melepas la kan? but for me,i'll stick to the old ways. let the guys make their moves first.old skool gila kan? pedulik hape. i am the girl with pride and prejudice.hahahaha :P in terms of prejudice tu,ekceli sebab x berape nak pecaye sangat kat lelaki yang tak dikenali. tanye lah people around me,mostly nisah la,my cousin,she'd seen most of me acting up like a cold person to someone yang saya tak kenal. a strange guy tegur saya suddenly out of nowhere,saya akan pandang dye macam nak cari gaduh.coz i'm not comfortable.hahahaha :P

ok,macam tu la saya dad did ask me though,bila saya bagitau dye yang this person yang satu ofis dengan dia ni ade di facebook.and my dad suruh saya add and say "HI!". my response to my dad was like, "NO.NEVER.IMPOSSIBRU!",hahahah...LOL! he's a good guy,yeah. even my dad likes him.but me making the first move? forget it.never gonna happen.

but come to think of it,memang pernah make the first move.i come to like this guy,who is a close friend of mine.and he's a bout to fly oversea to continue his studies.tu lah kan,memikirkan ayat orang sekarang guna tu lah,"kalau tak make the first move,nanti melepas,", i take him out for lunch and we talked in my car.i told him about my feelings and we went awkward for a few days.and he ends up saying NO,and we're friends still until today. rejection hurts? yes.indeed. but time will heal anything,right?

and as time passed,there's this someone yang masih tak boleh dipadam,dilupa,diliquid-paper kan,di clorox kan,di vanish kan,dan sebagainye yang berkaitan dari hati kecik ni.aduiy...masalah!! he's with his ego and i'm with mine.sometimes ego can stand in the way,kan? rase macam tercalar jugak ego ni bila dah rindu sangat tu,sms jugak la skali.kalo dye x reply,ah...rase macam nak marah pon ade,tapi ego punye pasal,lantak pegi je la ngan dye.esok nye try call,skali je.ego punye pasal.and dye tak jawab.arghhh!! bengkak jugak hati.tapi lantak kan.ego punya pasal.

ni lah dye,bile bertepuk sebelah tangan.ekceli in my case,x tau la nak kate bertepuk sebelah tangan ke x,sebab we both know our feelings towards each other,tapi he didn't want to be in a relationship. if we're about to have one,it's gonna be called marriage. but then,what am i? i don't even know it myself.

only GOD knows what lies deep in our hearts. :)

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Broken Hearted Girl - Beyonce

you're everything I thought you never were
and nothing like I thought you could have been
but still you live inside of me,so tell me how is that?
you're the only one I wish i could forget
the only one I love to not forgive
and though you break my heart,you're the only one
and though there are times when I hate you
cause i can't erase
 the times that you hurt me and put tears on my face
and even now,while I hate you, it pains me to say
I know I'll be there at the end of the day

I don't wanna be without you babe
I don't want a broken heart
don't wanna take a breath without you babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you,but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way,no,no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
no,no.. no broken hearted girl

there's something that I feel I need to say
but up til now I've always been afraid that you will never come around
and still I wanna put this out
you say you've got the most respect for me
but,sometimes I feel you did not deserve me
and still,you're in my heart
but you're the only one
and yes there are times when I hate you,but I don't complain
cause I've been afraid that you would walk away
oh but now I don't hate you
I'm happy to say
that I will be there at the end of the day

I don't wanna be without you babe
I don't want a broken heart
don't wanna take a breath without you babe
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you,but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way,no,no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
no,no.. no broken hearted girl

now I'm at a place I thought I'd never be
I'm living in a world that's all about you and me yeah..
ain't gonna be afraid, my broken heart is free
to spread my wings and fly away,
away with you...

I don't wanna be without my baby
I don't want  broken heart
don't wanna take a breath without my baby
I don't wanna play that part
I know that I love you, but let me just say
I don't wanna love you in no kind of way,no,no
I don't want a broken heart
I don't wanna play the broken-hearted girl
no,no.. no broken-hearted girl
 broken-hearted girl..
no,no,no broken-hearted girl

Thursday, June 14, 2012

rombongan meminang kat jengka :)



i know, i know.

lambat sket update yang ni,aku xdek mood nak menaip sebab jiwa kacau sikit and then lappy ni adik aku guna.malas nak berebut.

ok.story sikit. ni rombongan meminang kak ida (GF boy) yg sebelum ni dah kitorang dah datang merisik, ni susulan plak laa kan. aktiviti ni berlangsung lepas je kenduri menyambut menantu joe hari tu.joe hari sabtu,boy hari ahad. so,di doakan semoga jadilah ye boy ngan kak ida ni. semoga dipanjangkan jodoh hingga akhir usia dan dberkati serta dirahmati Allah taala. amin.

ini la antare gegambornye... nengok2 lah ye...

hantaran dari pihak lelaki

mak ngan adik koi

makcik koi

rombongan sampai kat rumah kak ida kat jengka

baju belang2 tu bapak koi,hebat bukan? haha.sebelah tu ayah boy,yg pakai kopiah tu

pakcik2... yg baju batik merah tu ayah kak ida.baju merah hujung skali tu abang kak ida

tudung merah depan skali tu mak kak ida,tudung hitam mak ngah koi,tudung coklat tu makcik.

mula da rundingan dua2 pihak

boy tunggu luar ah.hahaha

ayah ngah bercakap bagi pihak lelaki.

kain time nikah


selamat dah sume,doa selamat!

buah2an hantaran!

ini kak ida!

mami (mak boy) sarung cincin tunang!

bakal menantu :)

ayah kak ida pulak sarung cincin kat boy

berjurus nyer budak ni... ( tangan ke bahu,mata pandang atas...)

senyum cuak2.haahaha

ngan mummy n daddy

family boy n mak ngah.

pok! aku ade skali enterprem.hahaha

kak ida n boy!

ini sangat nais...

hantaran untuk pihak lelaki


sirih junjung

kak ida depan pelamin ngn hantaran

diorang je la begambo nye

diorang lagi....

abes dah laa.... hahahaha :P

Christina Perri feat Jason Mraz - Distance

the sun is filling up the room
and i can hear you dreaming
do you feel the way i do right now?
i wish we would just give up
cause the best part is falling
call it anything but love

i will make sure to keep my distance
say " I LOVE YOU " when you're not listening
how long can we keep this up (up,up)?

please don't stand so close to me
i'm having trouble breathing
i'm afraid of what you'll see right now
i give you everything i am
all my broken heart beats
until i know you understands

i will make sure to keep my distance
say " I LOVE YOU " when you're not listening
how long can we keep this up (up,up)?

and i keep waiting for you to take me
you keep waiting to save what we have

i will make sure to keep my distance
say " I LOVE YOU " when you're not listening
how long can we keep this up (up,up)?

so i'll make sure to keep my distance
say " I LOVE YOU " when you're not listening
how long can we keep this up (up,up)?

make sure to keep my distance
say " I LOVE YOU " when you're not listening
how long til we call this love, (love,love)?

Kelly Clarkson - Dark Side

there's a place that i knowit's not pretty and few have ever goneif i show it to you nowwill it make you run away?
or will you stay?even if it hurtseven if i try to push you outwill you return?and remind me who i really amplease remind me who i really am...
everybody's got a dark sidedo you love me?can you love mine?nobody's a picture perfectbut we're worth ityou know that we're worth itwill you love meeven with my dark side?
like a diamondfrom black dustit's hard to knowwhat can become if you give upso don't give up on meplease remind me who i really am

everybody's got a dark sidedo you love me?can you love mine?nobody's a picture perfectbut we're worth ityou know that we're worth itwill you love meeven with my dark side?
don't run awaydon;t run awayjust tell me that you'll staypromise me you will staydon't run awaydon't run awayjust tell me that you'll staypromise me you will stay
will you love me?
everybody's got a dark sidedo you love me?can you love mine?nobody's a picture perfectbut we're worth ityou know that we're worth itwill you love meeven with my dark side