hi again =)
musim final exam da start...=)
hari ni aku takdek paper jumaat ni,kaunseling islam dan guaman syarie...=)
yang sangat2 tak best nye adelah,paper aku ni straight trus lepas tu...
apehal laa....
nasib baik lepas tu habis trus...habis buat selama2nya....hihihi =)
merujuk kepada tajuk post ini, aku, AFIQAH BINTI MOHD ISMAIL a.k.a. pyka@ afi @pyka hyun su ( current profile name on facebook ), would to ask for forgiveness or apology or whatever they called it nowadays for being suchna drama queen, sensitive freak,being mad for no reason, throwing my temper at anybody who's unlucky ( sorry jay, daus, but mostly jay lah )
coz dye je yang slalu cari pasal ngan aku...
p/s : hahahah...padan muka engkau..! cari pasal lagi...tapi takleh plak nak marah ko lame2, muke ko memang tak leh blah..! aku tak tahan nak gelak...wahahahah!!!!
and also to firdaus... sorry sangat2 kalau aku asek tersentap jek lately =(
unavoidable kot..huhuhu =(
but still thankful sebab ko still melayan aku dengan sempoi, ad still making me laugh,HARD!
ko terbaik lah! =)
and dengan kau pun tak boleh nak marah lama2, aku tengok muka ko, and teringat ko wat muka pelik2 tu...hahahah!! seyes memang tak leh blah sangat2!
erm.ok lah,that's all for today =)
nanti sambung lgi =)
hi again =)
musim final exam da start...=)
hari ni aku takdek paper jumaat ni,kaunseling islam dan guaman syarie...=)
yang sangat2 tak best nye adelah,paper aku ni straight trus lepas tu...
apehal laa....
nasib baik lepas tu habis trus...habis buat selama2nya....hihihi =)
merujuk kepada tajuk post ini, aku, AFIQAH BINTI MOHD ISMAIL a.k.a. pyka@ afi @pyka hyun su ( current profile name on facebook ), would to ask for forgiveness or apology or whatever they called it nowadays for being suchna drama queen, sensitive freak,being mad for no reason, throwing my temper at anybody who's unlucky ( sorry jay, daus, but mostly jay lah )
coz dye je yang slalu cari pasal ngan aku...
p/s : hahahah...padan muka engkau..! cari pasal lagi...tapi takleh plak nak marah ko lame2, muke ko memang tak leh blah..! aku tak tahan nak gelak...wahahahah!!!!
and also to firdaus... sorry sangat2 kalau aku asek tersentap jek lately =(
unavoidable kot..huhuhu =(
but still thankful sebab ko still melayan aku dengan sempoi, ad still making me laugh,HARD!
ko terbaik lah! =)
and dengan kau pun tak boleh nak marah lama2, aku tengok muka ko, and teringat ko wat muka pelik2 tu...hahahah!! seyes memang tak leh blah sangat2!
erm.ok lah,that's all for today =)
nanti sambung lgi =)